Monday, September 22, 2014

Upside-down Sundays

There's something about Sunday afternoons. For as long as I can remember, they have been a source of anxiousness for me.

As a kid, I remember hanging upside-down on the couch and yelling at my mother.

"I'm bor-r-r-red," I whined. "What's for din-n-n-ner," I belted out repeatedly. "What can I do-o-o-o?" I cried upside-down.

I'm not sure what caused this unusual, restless behavior. 

Maybe it was the fact that Sunday wasn't a big play day in the neighborhood.

Perhaps, it was the fact that the television blared one football game after another.

Or, it could have been the realization that the weekend was coming to an end and the anxiety of returning to school was setting in.

I'm simply not sure.

Interesting thing is, I still get that restless, unsettled feeling on Sunday afternoons. 

Much like my childhood days, Sundays still tend to be relaxed, unplanned days and football plays throughout the day.

At least school is a distant memory.

I should welcome the carefree, easy going feeling of Sunday afternoon. I should kick back and read a book or watch a movie. 

Of course, there are plenty of things I could do.  I should do. That I need to do. Clean out a closet, a cabinet, even a drawer. 

I just don't want to.

Honestly, I'd rather just hang upside-down on the couch... and whine.

Feeling Sunday upside-down