The weather has done me in. It has been raining for days and now the wet ground is covered with snow. Again.
Nothing nice comes to my mind. I feel like a giant thumb is pressing on my forehead. Or, as my daughter aptly described, like an anvil is weighing on my shoulders.
For some reason, I'm reminded of a day when I was very young. I had a big, red coloring book. In fact, I think the words on the front actually said, "My Big Red Coloring Book."
If my memory serves me correctly, my mother told me I had to get a shot. I turned to a page in the book that featured a simple picture of a shirt. That's all it was. A shirt.
I took my red crayon and pressed as hard as I could and wildly scribbled back and forth across the page paying no attention to the outline of the shirt. While I can't say for sure, I think I broke the crayon.
I feel you...........spring will come though.......maybe........or perhaps we'll transition right into our summer......