Monday, February 10, 2014

A plus for winter

As a kid, I was strangely proud of the fact that I could spell the word, "hibernate." At any given moment to anyone who would listen, I blurted out, "I know how to spell hibernate." Then, in an annoying up and down voice, I began. "H-I (deep breath) B-E-R (a gasp for air)  N-A-T-E (sigh)." Apparently, spelling a nine letter word required a high pitched voice and a great deal of breath .

Years have passed and I no longer feel the need to spell the word "hibernate" in an odd, out-of-breath manner. I do, however, feel the need "to" hibernate. I have had enough of the cold temperatures hitting me in the face every time I walk outside.

I do not want to wear a scarf. I do not want to put on gloves. I do not want to zip my coat and wear a hat. It's the middle of February and I feel like I'm the main character in a Dr Seuss book. It's too cold to go out so all I can do is just stay in the house and just sit, sit, sit, sit.

What I'd give for a big cat in a hat to stop by for some amusement.

Show me what you got, cat.
I'll admit. I like living in an area where a white Christmas is an actual possibility and I appreciate the idea of a change of seasons. I just need winter to be about two months shorter.

At this point, everything looks gray... the sky, the atmosphere, my hair. And, everything appears lifeless... the grass, the trees, my face.

Every time I look in the mirror I can't help but break into song. "Who is that old la-dy staring back in front of me? "It's my version of "Reflection," from the Disney movie "Mulan."

Christina Aguilera's lyrics are about what a young girl sees in herself as she looks into the mirror. I've altered the words to accurately describe my reflection. My song features an old woman with dry, wrinkled skin and flat, lifeless hair. Her hands are cracked and her nails are brittle. All the cruel affects of the harsh winter weather.

I know spring is coming. It always does. Unfortunately, though, according to that irritating groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, the forecast for an early spring is out the window.

But, something good has come out of writing about my dreadful feelings about winter. I now know how to spell Punxsutawney.  Glad I didn't brag about that one when I was an annoying kid who didn't care to use a dictionary. I would have breathlessly spelled it wrong, "P-U-C-K (deep breath) S-A (gasp for air) T-A-U-N-Y (sigh)!

That's one for winter!
Can you spell, "This sucks?" 

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